[Student-mentorship-committee] Meeting 3: Reviewing Outlines

Carr, Justin - CASS Justin.Carr at oregonstate.edu
Fri Sep 18 17:40:53 UTC 2015


Sorry for the delay getting this next meeting underway, it has been hard to get responses on what times work for everyone. I'd like to try meeting next week on Wednesday (9/23/2015) at 1:00pm to give everyone enough time to read up on one another's drafts. If this time doesn't work for you please let me know and I can try to reschedule. I will be reserving a room in Kelly a little closer to the day of.

To prepare for this meeting, please read the outlines we've posted in the CASS Mentorship Google Docs folder and come prepared with feedback. In particular, you should look for:

*         Talking points/policies that you don't agree with

*         Talking points/policies that are just confusing or unclear

*         Talking points that you do like

o   Anything you'd like to add to them

*         Whether or not any of the points we've talked about should be promoted to a CASS-wide agreement

Thanks and see you next week!

Justin Carr
Systems Development Engineer
Oregon State University - CASS: Software Development Group

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